Role Teacher

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My Profile

Within your profile as a Teacher, you will find information that identifies and allows for effective account management. This information includes:

  • Email: This field displays the email address associated with the account. Important notifications will be sent to this email, and it can be used to reset the password if necessary.
  • Username: Refers to the unique name a user chooses to identify themselves in the RLP. This name is unique to each user.
  • First and Last Name: These fields contain the full name of the Teacher.
  • Country: This indicates your country of origin or current location as the Teacher.
  • Time Zone: The time zone specified in the profile adjusts the platform's timings and dates according to your geographical location, facilitating activity coordination.
  • Educational Institution: This field shows the name of the educational institution associated with the account.
  • Password Change: Here, you can update the current password if desired. Keeping credentials secure is essential to ensure account safety.

What notifications can I activate?

In this option, you can select various notifications according to your preferences. These notifications are designed to keep you informed in a timely and efficient manner. The available options are as follows: 

  • New Task Assignment: By activating this notification, you will receive an email alert whenever a new task is assigned.
  • System Messages: This notification will keep you informed about important system-related messages. These could include updates, configuration changes, or relevant announcements.

You can activate these options according to your preferences and adjust them at any time to ensure you're receiving the desired information accurately and promptly.

 How do I activate games?

To activate games and provide students with the opportunity to practice the English language through exercises of varying levels of complexity, follow these simple steps:

  • You will find an option called Games. Make sure this option is currently deactivated, as you need to activate it.
  • To turn on the game activation option, simply switch the toggle to the On position.

The games will be activated and available for students. The games will provide an interactive and effective tool for students to practice the language. It's important to communicate to the students that they now have access to this feature and can use it to improve their skills in an entertaining way.

To deactivate the Games, switch the toggle to the Off position.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, follow these steps:

Click on Change Password and enter:

  • Current password
  • New password 
  • Click on Save



If you have any additional questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section: Click on here

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My Uploads

My Files refers to all the documents and links to web pages that you have uploaded and shared on RLP. In this section, you can upload documents of various types, which you can filter for more effective searching.

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You have 100 MB of storage available for File Upload. The compatible formats with the platform include:

  • Audio
  • Document (.pdf, docx)
  • Web pages links
  • Image (.png, .jpg)
  • Interactive content
  • Video (mp4, .mov)

How to upload a file to the platform?

To upload a new file or share a link, click on Upload or the link icon.

If you choose the link icon, you will be prompted to enter or paste the link you want to share in the corresponding field. Make sure to enter the link accurately and completely so that recipients can access the desired content without any issues.

After completing the necessary steps according to the selected option, be sure to review and verify that the file has been uploaded correctly or that the link has been entered properly. This process ensures that the shared or uploaded resources are available and accessible to users on the platform.

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Click on Image

Uploaded files can be edited, deleted, or shared; to do this, you need to select the respective file to activate the options: Edit, Delete, and Share.

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To Edit an uploaded file, select this option, and you will be able to modify the file's title, write a description of it, and choose the content type. Additionally, you can enable or disable the school app. The latter option only appears when the file is shared with a school.

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To Delete, select this option, and confirm the action, as it cannot be undone.

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To Share, select this option, and choose which institution you will share the selected file with.

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How can I use the filter option?

The use of filters provides you with the ability to organize, explore, and analyze your items in a more effective and precise manner. These options are designed to enhance your experience when interacting with available content, simplifying the search and selection of the information you need. 

You can use the filter by selecting the desired option:

  • By Class: This filter allows you to group items according to the class they belong to. 
  • By Document Type: By selecting this option, you can sort and examine items based on the type of document they correspond to.

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    You have the option to view documents based on the following criteria:

    • By Title: This option allows you to find a specific document if you know its title or part of it. Organizing documents this way makes it easier to identify and access the information you're looking for.
    • By Upload Date: This option is useful for tracking recently added documents or locating documents that belong to a specific timeframe.
    • By Size: This option enables you to sort documents based on their storage size. This is valuable when you want to identify small or large documents.

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    If you have any additional questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section: Click on here

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    To logout of RLP, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Main Menu in the Teacher Role section of RLP.
    2. Look for the Logout option in the menu.
    3. Click on the Logout option. This will end your current session in RLP and disconnect you from the platform.

    By completing these steps, you will have securely logged out and exited RLP. Always remember to perform a proper logout to keep your data and account privacy protected.

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    If you have any additional questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section: Click on here