Popular Articles

  1. Role student

  2. Notifications

  3. My tasks

  4. My uploads

    Leer artículo en español My Uploads My Files refers to all the documents and links to web pages that you have uploaded and shared on RLP. In this section, you can upload documents of various types, which you can filter for mor...
  5. My backpack

    Leer artículo en español My backpack This category groups the materials and resources available for the classes. These materials include reading files, audiovisuals, writing files, and assigned multimedia files available to wor...
  6. My profile

    Leer artículo en español My Profile Within your profile as a Student, you will find information that identifies and allows for effective account management. This information includes: Username: Refers to the unique name...
  7. Notifications

  8. Role student

  9. Student

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  10. Role Teacher