To access information on the iREAD:
- Click on Query Only iREAD.
- Select the iREAD cycle.
- Click on Submit or Choose File (When you want to use it to upload the downloaded JSON file).
The query can be performed with each combination shown below:
- Query active users who have read a specific genre.
- Query users who opened a book without reading it from a specific sector.
The goal is to obtain a more detailed query about the readings.
The statistics provided by the iRead option are:
View users:
- Subscribed: This option displays, by country, the total number of subscribed users and schools, as well as the level at which the users are located. By click on Schools, it provides the detailed information about schools and the total number of users for each one.
- Scanning: This option displays the number of books opened for less than 10 minutes, meaning books that have not been read by users. Additionally, no assignments were submitted.
- Active: This option displays the total number of users and the average user activity in minutes per country. By clicking on 'Schools,' the activity details for each school are shown.
Books by:
- CEFR: Displays total readings and the average in minutes per English proficiency level and by country.
- Sector: Shows the total readings and average reading minutes overall, by country, and by school level (preschool, primary, and secondary).
- Type: Displays the total readings and average reading minutes overall, by country, and by reading type (Non-fiction, Fiction, or Classic Fiction).
- Genre: Displays the total readings and average reading minutes overall, by country, and by reading genre (CLIL, Human Interest, Adventure, Mystery and Horror, Crime, Comedy, Science Fiction, Legend, Biography, Fairy Tale and Fantasy, Fantasy, History/Festival, Fairy Tale, Tragedy, Romance, or Thriller).
- Publisher: Displays the total readings and average reading minutes overall, by country, and by publisher (CLIL, Richmond primary readers, Black cat, Hathaway o Helbling).
- Titles: Displays a top of the most read titles, and, by publisher, the number of readers for each title.